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Fire Risks

Threats of Arson (TOA)

Should you have concerns for someone you are working with that has had a Threat of Arson made against them or their property or are at Risk of Arson then please complete the referral form.  Once Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) receive the referral form they will endeavour to attend the property (with consent of the occupant/victim, so please contact them first) within 48 hours. A Threat of Arson/Risk of Arson Safe and Well Visit will involve our Safe and Well Technicians or Crews attending the property to fit arson proof letter boxes, fire retardant sprays and as many smoke alarms as required.   All Threats of Arson/Risk of Arson referrals need to be reported to TVP and they will contact RBFRS directly however if you would like to discuss this further please call the numbers listed at the end of the guidance document.

Adults at Risk Programme (ARP)

The ARP training is for all those involved in the care of adults in the community. It lays down the minimum recommendations for the protection of adults at risk from fire. A person may not be safe in their home if fire safety is not considered and the correct protection measures put in place. Adult Social Care and RBFRS can supply a wide variety of resources to support agency partners, families and the end user. To find out more about the courses and whether they are suitable for your organisation, contact the Prevention Team at prevention@rbfrs.co.uk.

Home Fire Safety Checks

RBFRS offer free fire safety checks known as Safe and Well Visits for those who are eligible. These can be accessed by members of the public or by a referring agency. These checks:

  • are free and identify fire risks in the home
  • can be arranged as a joint visit with a carer/relative
  • You will be asked if the client is aware of the referral
  • On receipt of this referral RBFRS will attempt to make direct contact with the individual (or joint visit nominee as appropriate). If the visit is declined or they cannot make contact with the individual they will pass this information back to the referring agency.

Fire risk when using emollients

RBFRS report on fire fatalities and serious incidences across the county which have involved the use of emollient products.  These products, which include creams, ointments, sprays and body wash formulations are used by millions of people every day to manage dry, itchy or scaly skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and ichthyosis. They may contain paraffin or other ingredients such as shea or cocoa butter, beeswax, lanolin, nut oil or mineral oils which can leave a flammable residue when they soak into fabrics.  Over 60’s who smoke and have reduced mobility are those most at risk, so their families and carers should be alert to the inherent fire risk and be mindful if smoking or using sources of heat and flame.  They should also wash their clothing and bedding regularly.  RBFRS have produced a leaflet which can be shared within anyone at potential risk.

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