Safeguarding Referral Routes
The following sections summarise the main multi-agency frameworks in Bracknell Forest for managing risk and provides information on how to access these. The intended outcomes include:
- practitioners are aware of the most appropriate multi-agency framework to use or access.
- the risk of harm is reduced by timely and appropriate use of the available frameworks for multi-agency risk assessment and management of children and adults who are at risk or pose risks to others.
The important thing is for all options to be considered, recorded and co-ordinated and for the best interests of the person always to be at the forefront of people’s minds.
Children’s Social Care (MASH and Early Help)
Bracknell Forest MASH is the single point of contact for all safeguarding concerns about children and young people living in Bracknell. The MASH brings together a team of professionals from a number of partner agencies to deal with all safeguarding concerns for a child or young person.
Within the MASH, information from partner agencies will be collated to assess risk and decide what action to take. As a result, the agencies will be able to act quickly, in a co-ordinated and consistent way, making sure that vulnerable children and families are kept safe and supported.
Responsible authority
The responsible authority is Bracknell Forest Council but working with a range of partner agencies including police and health. All partners have signed up to an information sharing agreement that specifies what data can be shared within the MASH, and what happens to that data once a decision is made about the case.
What concerns are managed by this service/process
Referral criteria
Firstly, consider if the child or young person’s needs can be met by services from within your own agency, or by other professionals already working with the family. If you are unsure and would like a consultation with a social worker contact the MASH for advice.
If you believe that urgent action is needed, in cases where there is a child protection concern, please contact the MASH directly on 01344 352005.
For concerns that are not urgent, and where immediate action is not needed, all professionals must follow the multi agency threshold guidance and make either an Early Help referral or a Safeguarding referral.
When making a referral, always gain consent from parents or carers, except where doing so may increase the risk of harm to the child or young person.
How to make a referral
If you are worried about the safety and wellbeing of a child right now, you should phone:
- 01344 352005 (8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
- 01344 351999 (5pm to 8:30am, Monday to Friday, 24 hours a day at weekends and bank holidays)
In an emergency, or if you believe a child is at immediate risk of harm call the police on 999.
Use this form to make a Safeguarding referral but read the criteria before making this type of referral.
Adult Safeguarding enquiries
An enquiry is the action taken or instigated by the local authority in response to a concern that abuse, or neglect may be taking place to help and protect the adult. An enquiry could range from a conversation with the adult, or if they lack capacity, or have substantial difficulty in understanding the enquiry their representative or advocate, right through to a much more formal multi-agency plan or course of action.
The scope of that enquiry, who leads it and its nature, and how long it takes, will depend on the particular circumstances.
The objectives of an enquiry into abuse or neglect are to:
- establish facts
- ascertain the adult’s views and wishes
- assess the needs of the adult for protection, support and redress and how they might be met
- protect from the abuse and neglect, in accordance with the wishes of the adult
- make decision as to what follow-up action should be taken with regard to the person or organisation responsible for the abuse or neglect
- enable the adult to achieve resolution and recovery
Safeguarding Boards across Berkshire manage the Safeguarding Adults Policies and Procedures which contains information to provide a consistent approach to all concerns of abuse or neglect.
Responsible authority
The responsible authority is the Local Authority Adult Services. However, safeguarding duties have a legal effect in relation to organisations other than the local authority on for example the NHS and police.
Who is managed through this framework/criterion for referral
The Care Act 2014 requires that each local authority must make enquires or cause others to do so, if they reasonably suspect an adult:
- has needs for care and support, whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs
- is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect
- as a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect
How to make a referral
If you are concerned about someone, please phone Adult Social Care on
- 01344 351500 (8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
- 01344 351999 (5pm to 8:30am, Monday to Friday, 24 hours a day at weekends and bank holidays)
If you think someone is in immediate danger please phone emergency services on 999. Do not put yourself or anyone else at risk.
Report your concern using this safeguarding concern form, taking note of the criteria.
Multi-agency Risk Framework
The Bracknell Forest Safeguarding Board multi-agency risk framework has been developed to provide support and guidance on how to manage cases relating to adults where there is a high level of risk but where the circumstances sit outside the statutory adult safeguarding framework. The risk framework offers a multi-agency method to support the management of these risks in an effective way.
Responsible authority
It can be applied by any professional who is working with circumstances where there is risk of harm, whether or not those circumstances constitute a safeguarding concern.
Who is managed through this framework/criterion for referral
The framework is intended to be used for early intervention and prevention as well as to address responses to significant and/or safeguarding concerns. The latter will be addressed within the local safeguarding adult’s policy and procedures, but this framework will help to support robust protection planning alongside the individual. It can be applied at different levels and to varying degrees in a range of situations involving risk in people’s lives.
How to make a referral
The Multi-agency Risk Framework, risk recording tool and a brief training presentation can be found on the Bracknell Forest Safeguarding Board.
Hoarding is an example where a response may be required under the multi-agency risk framework. The BFSB has produced a multi-agency hoarding protocol which has been agreed by partners across Bracknell Forest.
Makesafe is a small team comprising a manager, a specialist social worker and specialist family worker. The team undertakes direct work with children at risk of exploitation.
MACE (Missing and Child Exploitation) is a multi-partner strategy meeting to safeguard young people at high risk of exploitation and serious violence including knife crime.
What concerns are managed by this service/process
There is a prevention programme (short-term) and a long-term offer based more around building relationships with children who have been, or are being, actively exploited. The team also hold the responsibility for undertaking return conversations with missing children who are open to Children’s Services.
Referral criteria
Referrals to Makesafe can come from any agency but tend to come from CSC and schools. All referrals that are assessed as level 1 or 2 are discussed at a triage meeting between Makesafe, Youth Justice, Targeted Youth Services and the CSC Permanency Team and the work allocated to one of these teams.
Children assessed as Level 3 are referred to MACE – a multi-agency meeting for oversight of children deemed to be at high risk of exploitation.
How to make a referral
A referrer is required to fill in an Integrated CSE/CCE risk indicator tool which doubles as the Makesafe referral form.
Youth Offending
The Youth Justice Team (YJT) provides services to young people who come into conflict with the law or are at risk of offending behaviour.
The YJT is a statutory service and has the responsibility for attending local courts and overseeing court orders in line with National Standards set by the Youth Justice Board.
The YJT has a 3-year plan that reflects the objectives of the partnership of youth offending organisations across the area and of the YJT.
What concerns are managed by this service/process
The YJT works with young people aged from 10 years (age of criminal responsibility) up to the age of 18 who have either:
- been sentenced at court
- received an out of court disposal or community resolution
- assessed as at risk of offending
The YJT work with multi-agency professionals to engage young people and work alongside families and carers in order to assess, develop and deliver interventions and activities. Our aim is to reduce the risk of reoffending and mitigate concerns in relation to safety and wellbeing.
Where required, the YJT will coordinate comprehensive assessments and will provide reports for court and referral order panels. We will support young people and parents or carers through the court process in our roles as court officers.
Referral criteria
For their prevention service, young people at risk of offending are usually referred by the police, schools, Children’s Social Care, or other agencies who have concern but can also be directly from parents, carers or guardians.
How to make a referral
Please email for more information.
For statutory services, where a young person has been arrested, received a summons to court or an out of court disposal the YJT would become involved following notification from Thames Valley Police and the courts.
Radicalisation is the process through which people develop support for extremist political, religious or other ideas. This can lead them to support violent extremism and terrorism. People may become radicalised if their views and beliefs are influenced by extreme ideas and perspectives.
Early recognition during the radicalisation process and referral into Prevent and potentially the Channel Panel process provides the best chance of stopping someone from being drawn into terrorism. More information on Prevent is available from GOV.UK:
The local authority have the lead role in delivery the Prevent Strategy in Bracknell Forest under the Prevent duty guidance; working with partners such as the police, health and education to stop vulnerable individuals being drawn into violent extremism or supporting terrorism.
How can you help
You can help to reduce the threat from terrorism, radicalisation, and extremism by being vigilant, knowing what to report and reporting it.
The aim is to act early by spotting the warning signs of an individual at risk of being drawn or groomed into extremist and terrorism ideologies and provide early intervention and support.
To get advice if you're worried about someone visit:
How to make a referral?
Immediate threat
If you have seen a person acting suspiciously or if you see a vehicle, unattended package or bag which might be an immediate threat, move away and call 999.
No immediate threat
If you're concerned about possible risk of radicalisation or terrorist activity and there is no immediate threat, you can:
For children and young people
Contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
For adults, groups, organisational concerns or advice
You can contact any of the following:
Alternatively, fill in the Prevent national referral form if you are concerned that someone may be displaying extremist behaviour, ideology or radicalisation - please provide as much information as possible and email it to
Social Prescribing
The Bracknell Forest Social Prescribing Service supports residents (aged 18+)* who may be feeling low, isolated or lonely and would benefit from improving their health and wellbeing. The Social Prescribers provide one-to-one personalised non-medical support built around “what matters to you” and can put you in touch with local services, groups, and activities. They can provide support for up to three months depending on individual need, this can be through telephone, face to face in the community or in your home.
*Service is unable to accept referrals for:
- Individuals with moderate – severe and enduring mental health conditions or substance misuse.
- Individuals with severe dementia.
- Individuals in palliative care.
Please refer to specialist services that can support you appropriately. You can find more information by visiting:
Who is managed through this framework/criterion for referral
Adults who may be feeling low, isolated or lonely and would benefit from improving their health and wellbeing.
How to make a referral?
Complete a self-referral to arrange a call back from one of their Social Prescribers. Alternatively, call 01344 35200 (Mon-Fri 9 to 5).
Professional referrals can be made for individuals from any Health, Social Care, Voluntary Sector and Other Organisation.
Substance Misuse
Addiction can affect anyone in different areas but is often associated with drugs and alcohol. The strain of managing an addiction can seriously damage a person’s work life and relationships. In the case of substance misuse (for example, drugs and alcohol), an addiction can have serious psychological and physical effects. These behaviours can be a way of blocking out difficult issues. There is further information here.
What concerns are managed by this service/process
New Hope provides a range of substance misuse services to residents of Bracknell Forest. These services are aimed at people who use drugs or alcohol or have recently stopped using drugs or alcohol and want support to address their substance misuse.
They provide:
- Comprehensive assessment
- Risk assessment
- Individual support planning
- Needle exchange
- Access to Naloxone
- Support and signposting to other services
- Breaking Free Online Breaking Free Online | Recovery Program for Alcohol & Drugs (access code bracknell11)
- Aftercare support program
- Blood borne virus advice and vaccination program
- Counselling
- Criminal justice interventions
- Dual diagnosis
- Harm reduction
- Life skills
- Community support
- Opiate substitute therapy
- Referral into Tier 4 services (in-patient treatment)
- Relapse prevention
- Self referral
- Single point of contact for professional referrals
- Structured groups
- Advice, information and support for young people and their parents/carers
- A drug diversion scheme for young people under the age of 18 who have been found to be in possession of drugs to prevent them from entering the criminal justice system
Referral criteria
New Hope is the first point of contact for all substance misuse services in Bracknell Forest no matter what the age of the person. Self-referrals can be made by either phoning or by attending one of the drop-in sessions.
How to make a referral
The building is open Mon-Thu 9am to 5pm and Fri 9am to 4.30pm. You can call and speak to someone during opening hours or send an e-mail.
Phone 01344 312 360
Bracknell Forest Council’s Youth Justice Team have a substance misuse worker on the team, among others who may also be useful.
Phone: 01344 354300
Domestic Abuse
"Domestic abuse is any single incident, course of conduct or pattern of abusive behaviour between individuals aged 16 or over who are personally connected to each other as a result of being, or having been, intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. Children who see, hear or experience the effects of the abuse and are related to either of the parties are also considered victims of domestic abuse. Abuse includes physical or sexual abuse; violent or threatening behaviour; controlling or coercive behaviour; economic abuse; psychological, emotional or other abuse." |
Responsible authority
The Bracknell Forest Domestic Abuse Executive works together to provide strategic oversight of the multi-agency responses to domestic abuse in Bracknell Forest and has accountability for delivery of the Bracknell Forest Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022-24. The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 places a duty on the Local Authority to appoint a multi-agency domestic abuse Local Partnership Board (LPB) to which the Bracknell Forest Domestic Abuse Executive Group complies with this statutory requirement.
The Bracknell Forest Domestic Abuse Forum acts as a consultative group to the Bracknell Domestic Abuse Executive Group. The Forum provides a support network for practitioners to network with each other and increase their knowledge and skills so they ae well equipped to deal with clients experiencing domestic abuse.
Both the Bracknell Forest Domestic Abuse Executive Group and the Bracknell Forest Domestic Abuse Forum are made up of professionals from a number of both statutory and voluntary services from the Bracknell Forest area.
Each group has their own Terms of Reference, but together, they aim to:
- increase awareness and understanding of domestic abuse
- identify and promote good practice
- support local practitioners to work together in partnership
- contribute towards the work of the Community Safety Partnership and other multi-agency partnerships
- ensure the duties under Part 4 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 are met
How to make a referral
The Bracknell Forest Domestic Abuse Referral Pathway provides details of the steps to take if you suspect domestic abuse.
In Bracknell Forest any frontline representative can make use of the SafeLives DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking and ‘Honour’-based Violence) RIC (Risk Identification Checklist) to establish the risk posed to a victim of domestic abuse.
If you have identified the victim as being at ‘standard’ or ‘medium’ risk of serious harm:
- Signpost / consent-based referral to Berkshire Women’s Aid - referral form and DASH RIC required. Call 0808 801 0882 for support.
- Consider signposting and referral to other services.
If you consider the victim to be at ‘high’ risk of serious harm refer to the MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference). Link
If you have concerns that a child may be at risk of harm or neglect, contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 01344 352005 or if you have concerns that an adult may be at risk of harm or neglect, contact Adult Social Care on 01344 351500.
There is a printable domestic abuse cue card and another for the domestic abuse pathway.
Plain Talking is a free one-to-one support service for men and women who recognise that their behaviour in their relationship is becoming or has become problematic and need support to make positive, healthy and long term change. If this is of interest, contact or text 07826 951498.
MATAC is a multi-agency Domestic Abuse perpetrator focused process. It identifies the most harmful perpetrators, either by using police resources or by referral from external agencies and aims to:
- change offender behaviour
- reduce reoffending of the most harmful and serial perpetrators and
- safeguard victims and families
This is achieved through engagement with the perpetrator using methods such as education, prevention and diversion. Options could include referral to domestic abuse prevention programmes, working with housing providers and drug/alcohol/mental health intervention. The final option, if engagement is unsuccessful, is disruption and enforcement of all offending.
To refer to the Multi Agency Tasking and Coordination (MATAC) email:
Is the alleged perpetrator working with children and vulnerable adults?
If the alleged perpetrator is in a position of trust working with children make contact with the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) at or 01344 351572.
If the alleged perpetrator is in a position of trust working with vulnerable adults make contact with Safeguarding Team on 01344 351500.
Further information for professionals can be found at
MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference)
The MARAC is a 4-weekly meeting where information is shared on the highest risk domestic abuse cases between representatives of local police, health, child protection, housing practitioners, Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs), probation and other specialists from the statutory and voluntary sectors.
What concerns are managed by this service/process
After sharing all relevant information at the meeting, the representatives discuss options for increasing the safety of the victim and turn these into a co-ordinated action plan. The primary focus of the MARAC is to safeguard the adult victim. The MARAC will also make links with other groups/services to safeguard children and manage the behaviour of the perpetrator. At the heart of a MARAC is the working assumption that no single agency or individual can see the complete picture of the life of a victim, but all may have insights that are crucial to their safety. The victim does not attend the meeting but is represented by an IDVA who speaks on their behalf.
How to make a referral
In Bracknell Forest any frontline representative can make use of the SafeLives DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking and ‘Honour’-based Violence) RIC (Risk Identification Checklist) to establish the risk posed to a victim of domestic abuse. If a person experiencing domestic abuse is identified as being at ‘high’ risk of harm, a referral should be made to MARAC via the agency’s Designated MARAC Officer (DMO). Training on how to complete a DASH RIC and the MARAC is available to all agencies, offered by Bracknell Forest Council, details of which can be found online.
You can also contact the MARAC administrator on the police non-emergency number 101.
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)
MAPPA meetings are to manage high-risk individuals and are designed to protect the public, including previous victims of crime, from serious harm by sexual and violent offenders.
MAPPA is not a statutory body in itself but is a mechanism through which agencies can better discharge their statutory responsibilities and protect the public in a co-ordinated manner. Agencies at all times retain their full statutory responsibilities and obligations and should not be compromised by MAPPA.
The frequency of meetings depends on the level of management deemed appropriate for each offender. Offenders do not attend MAPPA meetings, but they are usually told about the meeting and the decisions made.
The responsible authority is the police, prison and probation trust in each area, working together. The responsible authority has a duty to ensure that the risks posed by specified sexual and violent offenders are assessed and managed appropriately (MAPPA Guidance, Version 4.4).
Other agencies, for example those providing help with employment and training, accommodation, and housing, play an important role in helping offenders to resettle and may help to reduce re-offending. The important contribution other agencies can make is also highlighted in cases where offenders have mental health problems or where they pose a risk of harm to children.
What concerns are managed by this service/process
There are three categories of violent and sexual offenders who are managed through MAPPA:
Category 1 – Registered sexual offenders are required to notify the police of their name, address and personal details, under the terms of the Sexual Offences Act 2003. The length of time an offender is required to register with Police can be any period between 12 months to life, depending on the age of the offender, the age of the victim and the nature of the offence and sentence they received.
Category 2 – Violent offenders who have been sentenced to 12 months or more in custody or to detention in hospital and who are now living in the community subject to Probation supervision.
Category 3 – Other dangerous offenders who have committed an offence in the past and who are considered to pose a risk of serious harm to the public.
How to make a referral
To refer an individual into MAPPA please contact the MAPPA co-ordinator at
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Modern slavery describes a situation where someone has gained control or ownership over another person and is using this power to exploit them. Modern slavery is a complex crime and may involve multiple forms of exploitation (see modern slavery and exploitation prompt sheet for BFC practitioners)
Victims may not be aware that they are being trafficked or exploited, and may have consented to elements of their exploitation, or accepted their situation. If you think that modern slavery has taken place, the case should be referred to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) so that the Single Competent Authority (SCA) can fully consider the case. You do not need to be certain that someone is a victim.
The NRM is used to identify and refer potential victims of modern slavery and make sure they receive appropriate support.
Locally partners have agreed that if the subject of the NRM is a suspect in a crime then the police should be consulted prior to an NRM being submitted. It is also advisable for the referring agency to get as much information as possible from other agencies prior to submitting the NRM.
Who is managed through this framework/criterion for referral
Modern slavery is a form of exploitation. It is a major issue in Britain. Victims and perpetrators include UK citizens and foreign nationals from a range of countries. People may be trafficked into the UK from abroad or may be trafficked internally between cities, towns and rural areas. Modern slavery can take place anywhere – including villages and coastal areas as well as large towns and cities.
Someone is a victim of modern slavery if they have experienced any of the following:
- being forced to work because of physical or verbal threats
- being owned or controlled by an ’employer’, usually through mental, emotional, sexual or physical abuse, or the threat of abuse
- being held captive
- being dehumanised, treated as a commodity, or bought and sold as ‘property’
- having restrictions placed on their freedom
- being moved against their will.
A person is also the victim of modern slavery if they are forced to participate in illegal activities such as shoplifting, pick-pocketing, drug dealing and drug trafficking (including county lines activities).
For more information about the different forms of modern slavery and the signs to look out for that might indicate that a person is a potential victim of modern slavery, please visit the Preventing Exploitation Toolkit.
How to make a referral
Suspected child victim?
- Refer to the MASH immediately on 01344 352005 to determine if the case reaches children’s social care thresholds
- If not, the following steps need to be taken:
- If you feel a crime may be taking place, call police on 999 if an emergency or 101 if a non-emergency. You can also report online at:
- Seek free specialist support for the victim/family/practitioner from the Thames Valley Partnership Victims First Hub by completing an online referral form at or call their freephone number on 0300 1234 148. They can help with referring a child victim to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and can provide specialist support to the victim, their family and practitioners.
- Refer to appropriate multi-agency group/hold a professional’s meeting/ strategy as appropriate.
Suspected adult victim?
- Refer to Adult Services immediately on 01344 351500 or to determine if the person has care and support needs
- If they do not, the following steps need to be taken:
- If you feel a crime may be taking place, call police on 999 if an emergency or 101 if a non-emergency. You can also report online:
- Seek free specialist support for the victim/family/practitioner from the Thames Valley Partnership Victims First Hub by completing an online referral form at or call their freephone number on 0300 1234 148. They can help with referring an adult victim to the NRM and can provide specialist support to the victim, their family and practitioners.
- Complete a Multi-Agency Risk Framework Tool and refer to appropriate multi-agency group/hold a professional’s meeting as appropriate.
- If the adult did not consent to a NRM referral, complete and submit a Duty to Notify form (DtN) form.
NRM and DtN forms can be accessed and completed digitally here: NRM and DtN Forms
Allegations against people working with children or adults with care and support needs
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
Every local authority has a statutory responsibility to have a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who is responsible for dealing with concerns that an adult who works with children may have caused them or could cause them harm. The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) works within the Safeguarding Commissioning team and gives advice and guidance to employers, organisations and other individuals who have concerns about the behaviour of an adult who works with children and young people in a statutory, voluntary or contractual role. Included in this group are volunteers, agency staff and foster carers as well as people who are in a position of authority and have regular contact with children, such as religious leaders, political figures or school governors etc.
What concerns are managed by this service/process
The LADO should be alerted to all cases in which it is alleged that a person who works with children has:
- behaved in a way that has, or may have harmed, a child.
- possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child.
- behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children.
- behaved or may have behaved in a way that indicates they may not be suitable to work with children.
Allegations of historical abuse should be responded to in the same way as contemporary concerns. In such cases, it is important to find out whether the person against whom the allegation is made is still working with children and if so, to inform the person’s current employer or voluntary organisation or refer their family for assessment. If unsure a consultation can be held with the LADO.
How to make a referral?
If you need to contact Bracknell Forest’s LADO please complete the notification form or telephone 01344 351572 or email for a notification form. Referrals must be made on the day or within 24 hours of becoming aware of any concerns.
The LADO is best placed to give advice once they have access to the full range of information about your concern. If your concern is an urgent safeguarding issue about children and families, in the first instance please contact MASH on 01344 352005 during Office hours and 01344 351999 after hours. Once the LADO is contacted they will endeavour to respond within 1 working day.
If the person of concern works with vulnerable adults, the legal framework is slightly different, but the same general principles apply. Please contact Safeguarding Adults on (see PiPoT)
People in Positions of Trust (PiPoT)
The Care Act 2014 requires a clear policy for dealing with allegations against people in positions of trust i.e. anyone working in either a paid or unpaid capacity with adults with care and support needs. The Berkshire Allegations Management Framework sets out the standards for clear reporting requirements which must be applied by an organisation where a concern is identified.
Fire Risks
What concerns are managed by this service/process
Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) provide Safe and Well Visits and additional Safe and Well Visits for individuals that have received a Threat of Arson (TOA) or are at Risk of Arson.
Safe and Well Visits
A Safe and Well Visit is a free service from RBFRS to eligible residents (see below). Safe and Well visits are tailored to individual needs, relating to health and wellbeing, as well as fire risk reduction. A Safe and Well visit will take place in the home and can be arranged at a convenient time.
Referral criteria
To qualify for a free Safe and Well visit, the resident must answer yes to at least one of the following:
- Aged 60 and over
- Have limited mobility
- Be an oxygen user
- Have a sensory need (hearing and/ or sight)
- Have a hoarded home
- Confined to the bed
- Have a learning disability
- Be living with a mental illness
- Have Dementia
- Use Dialysis
They will also consider the resident for a free Safe and Well Visit if they can answer yes to any of the following:
- Have a drug or alcohol dependency
- Have emollient creams applied to your skin
- Have mental health needs
- Are a smoker
- Are living alone
- Have no smoke detection or have had a previous fire
If there are any concerns that someone has had a threat of arson made against or their property or is at risk of arson then
How to make a Safe and Well referral
If you answer yes to any of the above, and would like to request a Safe and Well visit for a resident, please complete the Agency Referral Form.
If you have any questions about our Safe and Well visit service, please either contact us on:
Freephone answerphone: 0800 587 6679
If the individual does not qualify for a free Safe and Well visit then contact the local fire station for home fire safety advice or use the above email to contact us.
Threat of Arson / Risk of Arson Safe and Well Visits
When any member of staff from any agency becomes aware of a Threat of Arson or someone at Risk of Arson, they are requested to complete our Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service Threat of Arson Referral Form. Please email the completed form through to Liz Warren (Safeguarding Manager) on / 07585 991621 and Darci Hellend (Safeguarding Support Officer) on / 07774 215674 during working hours. For any Threat of Arson Referrals during the evening, weekend or Bank Holidays please contact Thames Valley Fire Control Service and request to speak with the Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service Duty Officer on 0118 358 9333.
RBFRS have a commitment to attend these requests with 48 hours where possible.
Your agency may also consider contacting Thames Valley Police (TVP) on 999 or 101 (depending on urgency of threat).
A Threat of Arson/Risk of Arson Safe and Well Visit will add extra precautions into the home using a variety of risk specific measures which can be utilised when a Threat of Arson has been made against a person or their property, such as providing:
Arson Proof Letterbox
- Fire Retardant Spray
- Additional Smoke Alarms
- Extensive Fire Safety Advice
All Threats of Arson/Risk of Arson referrals need to be sent through to Safeguarding Manager Liz Warren on 07585 991621 / and Safeguarding Support Officer Darci Hellend on 07774 215674 / during working hours. Please also copy in
If you cannot get through to the Safeguarding Manager, Safeguarding Support Officer, or it is during evenings, weekends or bank holidays please call TVFCS on 0118 3589333 and request to speak with the Berkshire Fire Duty Officer. The number can also be found on the bottom of the referral form.
RBFRS would also recommend that you inform Thames Valley Police, either via 999 or 101, depending on the severity/urgency of the threat.
Report a Crime or Antisocial Behaviour
If you need support right away or someone is in immediate danger, then call 999 now.
If you’ve witnessed or been the victim of crime please report it to Thames Valley Police online or call 101. Both are dealt with in exactly the same way.
Bracknell Forest Council has information on what antisocial behaviour is and how to report it.