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Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs)

Section 44, the Care Act 2014 stipulates that the Bracknell Forest Safeguarding Board (BFSB) must arrange a SAR when an adult in its area with care and support needs dies as a result of abuse or neglect (whether this is known or suspected), and there is concern that partner agencies could have worked more effectively to protect the adult. BFSB must also arrange a SAR if an adult with care and support needs in its area has not died, but the Board knows or suspects that the adult has experienced serious abuse or neglect.

BFSB will seek to determine what the relevant agencies and individuals involved in the case might have done differently that could have prevented harm or death. This is so that lessons can be learned from the case and those lessons applied to future cases to prevent similar harm occurring in the future.

 A SAR can:

  • look at any lessons that can be learnt from the case about the way professionals and agencies worked together
  • review the effectiveness of safeguarding adults procedures
  • inform and improve practice
  • identify what can be done better to avoid a similar circumstance from reoccurring

 Learning from SARs will be shared widely within local organisations and through the BFSB’s website.

 Anyone can make a referral for a SAR using the Board’s Rapid Review process by completing the SB1 form.

The following section sets out the details of SAR reports and documents published by BFSB and neighbouring safeguarding partnerships. Reviews can also be found in the National SAR library.

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How to make a referral for a Rapid Review / notification of Statutory Reviews

1. The Referral

Any agency can notify Bracknell Forest Safeguarding Board (BFSB) of a serious incident they think should be considered for a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) and / or Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review (LCSPR) by using the form SB1. This process can also be used where cases do not meet the specific criteria for an adult/child review, but Safeguarding Partners consider there is an opportunity for learning in respect of multi-agency working using alternative methodology. In all cases, a Rapid Review (RR) will be undertaken to determine the most appropriate response.

2. Decision-making

On receipt of the notification form SB1, BFSB’s Business Unit will share this information with designated members of the Board, who will make the decision as to whether:

The referral is appropriate

The case appears to meet the criteria for a RR and requires information to be gathered in order to determine whether BFSB should commission a:

    • Local learning review (LLR)
    • Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) and/or
    • Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review (LCSPR)

If the Board requires a RR to be undertaken, all agencies that have had involvement with the individual and their family / significant others will be required to contribute information. Within 2 working days BFSB will issue the form SB2 and will require this to be completed and returned to the BFSB Business Unit within 5 working days.

The purpose of the form SB2 is to:

Gather basic facts about the case, including determining the extent of any individual or organisation’s involvement

  • Inform decisions as to the need for immediate action required to ensure the safety of individuals
  • Identify learning and any improvements to strengthen safeguarding
  • Inform decisions as to what steps they should take next, including whether or not to commission a Safeguarding Adult Review and / or Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review, or in cases not meeting criteria, whether a local learning review would help identify any areas requiring improvement.

The RR must be completed within the timescales detailed in guidance published by the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel. These currently require that reviews are completed within 15 working days of the incident being notified. This flow chart sets out the timescales for the Rapid Review and details the stages of decision making.

3. Setting the Date of the Rapid Review Meeting

The date of the RR meeting will be set when the template form SB2 is sent out. This will be scheduled for between 7 and 13 working days after receiving the notification. The SB2 requires analysis of an individual/agency’s involvement and to establish the key events in the child’s / adult’s life that will help inform the RR. The BFSB Business Unit will ensure a RR meeting is convened within the established timescales and that safeguarding members of the Board oversee the process in order that areas requiring improvement are swiftly identified and planning commences to agree actions required.

4. The Rapid Review Meeting

The Rapid Review meeting should:

Review the facts about the case as presented in the SB2 forms

  • Discuss whether there is any immediate action needed to ensure the safety of an individual and to share any learning appropriately
  • Consider the potential for identifying improvements to safeguard individuals
  • Consider examples of good practice
  • Where a review does not recommend a SAR and / or LCSPR, it should agree what form of learning review, if any, is appropriate. In some cases, the RR process may identify key local learning that can be quickly acted upon, removing the need for any further review.

The Rapid Review Template (Form SB3) will be completed following the meeting. Representatives of BFSB will consider, endorse and record the outcome of Rapid Review.